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Marvel & DC Wiki

Now learn the lesson you have forever so feared. If you would save all creation... look beyond each single life. Let those who must fall, fall. Mourn the facing of each dead leaf. But do not pause to stop it. Instead, you create anew. Create out of ashes and death. Create out of darkness and chaos.That is how existence fought for life. Remake yourself, Hercules. And rise. 

-- Gaea


Gaea was one of the Elder Gods who materialized on Earth before any life appeared there. She and her brother Chthon inhabited Earth's land masses, affecting geological patterns.

Powers and Stats

Tiering System: High 2-A

Name: Gaea

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Female

Age: Millions of years old

Classification: Goddess

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Immortality (Type 1 and 4), Telekinesis, Invulnerability, Intangibility, Longevity, Regeneration, Teleportation, Energy Manipulation and Projection

Attack Potency: High Multiverse level+ (Superior to Odin and Zeus, she is superior to Elder Gods. Equal or almost equal to his brother Seth, who capable of influencing things in a multiversal scale.)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Comparable to Odin)

Lifting Strength: Class Y

Striking Strength: High Multiversal+

Durability: High Multiverse level+ (Comparable to Odin)

Stamina: Virtually Inexhaustible

Range: High Multi-Galactic

Standard Equipment: Unknown

Intelligence: Extremely High

Weaknesses: None Notable
