Rex Randolph, better known as Edifice Rex, was formerly a member of Damage Control. After being infected by a glowing green orb, Rex became the powerful being that he is now due to an unidentified glowing green orb. As said orb gave Rex the abilities he now possesses, he realizes that his role in the multiverse has changed dramatically. He wanted to change everything back to the way it was, due to the corruption and discord he saw around him. He was opposed by many Cosmic Entities, but none of them were capable of harming him, due to his insane levels of power. He was only defeated through trickery.
Powers and Stats
Tiering System: 2-A
Name: Rex Randolph
Origin: Marvel Comics
Age: At least in his mid twenties.
Gender: Male
Classification: Cosmic Entity
Occupation: Former Damage Control member, Former construction worker
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping, Size Manipulation (Became the size of Galactus, who was far bigger than a planet), Flight, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Feared by a group of universal Abstracts. Was going to undo the Big Bang and revert the universe to its original form)
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Traveled from deep space to Earth in an incredibly short timeframe), possibly Immeasurable (Should be comparable to Eternity, who is the embodiment of universal time.)
Lifting Strength: Likely Incalculable
Striking Strength: Multiversal+
Durability: Multiverse level+ (Not threatened by the combined might of the universe's most powerful Abstracts)
Stamina: Likely inexhaustible
Range: Multiversal+
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable.
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: Tends to be very naive
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