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Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

Power and Stats

Tiering System: Unknown

Name: Cloak/Tyrone Johnson

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, likely in his mid 20's

Classification: Mutate

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Intangibility, Light draining, Life force draining, Teleportation, Ice generation, Immunity to Precognition and Darkness Manipulation

Attack Potency: Unknown. His life force draining ignores durability

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: At least Athletic Human

Striking Strength: Peak Human Class

Durability: Unknown (His intangibility makes him very hard to hit)

Stamina: Peak Human

Range: normal human melee range

Standard Equipment: His cloak

Intelligence: Normal human intelligence

Weaknesses: None notable

Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.
