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Chthon is an Elder God and Archdemon that resides in a nether dimension adjacent to the earthly plane. He is responsible for the creation of Witches, Werewolves and Vampires and is portrayed as the equivalent of the primal Devil that predates the Judeo-Christian teachings.

Powers and Stats

Tiering System: High 2-A

Name: Chthon

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Millions of years old

Classification: Elder God, Demon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Astral Projection, Cosmic Awareness, Dimensional Manipulation, Genius Intellect, Energy Projection & Absorption, Immortality (Type 1 and 3), Darkness Manipulation, Invisibility, Illusion Creation, Density Control, Regeneration, Force Field Creation, Invulnerability, Levitation, Magic, Matter Absorption, All-Speak, Light Projection, Precognition, Reality Manipulation and Warping, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Time Manipulation, Teleportation, Stealth, Soul Absorption, Size Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Postcognition, Shape-Shifting, Darkforce Manipulation

Attack Potency: High Multiverse level+ (The most powerful demon in the Marvel Universe, superior such as Dormammu and Mephisto. Within his own realm he having total control over every aspect of the dimension's reality. He is the master of Chaos or Chthonic Magic, considered to be the most powerful and destructive of all forms magic. Chthon's mere presence is enough to corrupt and kill Doctor Strange, who was saved only by his faith to what he calls "something far subtle and far more majestic than the Great Shadow. One howl of Chton shatters hundreds of dimension, which reflects the howling. Chton howl nearly killed Doctor Strange , though the last was in force-fields.)

Speed: Massively FTL+ via scaling from Dormammu

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: High Multiversal+

Durability: High Multiverse level+ 

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Unknown, Possibly High Multiversal+

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Genius


  • Dimensional Entrapment: Without the Darkhold, Chthon is unable to move freely through dimensions and is trapped in his own because it would take an enormous mystical rift to convey the immense mystical power of the Elder God. Moreover, Gaea has erected magical screens, reinforced over millennia by hundreds of human sorcerers, which prevent him from traveling to Earth unless he undertakes highly elaborate preparations.
  • Dependency on Extra-dimensional Living Vessel: As shown during several of Chthon's summonings on Earth, though the occupation of a human would enable Chthon to share the human's abilities, he would also be left more vulnerable, in both mind and body, even magically augmented. For example, it is through a physical mind that a human processes information and which a human mystic can utter incantations and thus cast spells to work magic; if the physical mind or its processes were somehow disrupted, even through non-mystical means, Chthon would be temporarily deprived of spell-casting ability.
  • Eldritch Magic: Chthon and those augmented by his power are vulnerable to eldritch magic, including that of the Darkhold itself.

Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.
