If the giants win...if Olympus falls...then the cosmic axis shifts. And the God-Eater...FEASTS.
- -- Demogorge
Billions of years ago, shortly after the formation of the Earth, the Demiurge, the sentient life force of Earth's biosphere, seeded the young planet with its essence, creating a race of Elder Gods, the foremost of which were Chthon, Set, and Gaea. Over time, the Elder Gods degenerated and turned into demons, warring with one another and struggling for power and influence. Gaea, who had not been corrupted, feared for the safety of the new life brewing within the Earth's oceans. She went to the Demiurge and asked it to conceive in her a means in which to vanquish the demons. She entered the depths of the Earth and gave birth to Atum, the first of a race of new gods. Atum went around the Earth, slaying the demons and absorbing their energy, taking on a monstrous appearance and becoming Demogorge, the God-Eater in the process. Upon completing his task, Atum took to the skies, released the energy stored within his body, and retreated into the sun.
Powers and Stats
Tiering System: At least High 2-A
Name: Atum
Origin: Marvel Comics
Gender: Male
Age: Billions of years old
Classification: Elder God
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fire Manipulation, Flight, Healing, Heat Manipulation, Immortality (Type 1, 2 and 3), Energy Manipulation, Invulnerability, Magic, Light Manipulation, Power Mimicry, Absorption, Transformation
Attack Potency: At least High Multiverse level+ (Superior to Odin and Zeus, because he is superior to Elder Gods)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Kept up with Thor)
Lifting Strength: Stellar via scaling
Striking Strength: At least High Multiversal+
Durability: At least High Multiverse level+
Stamina: Limitless. Atum's advanced musculature produces no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him limitless superhuman stamina.
Range: At least Planetary
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Above Average
Weaknesses: Eternity is the greatest fear of the Demogorge, as discovered by Nightmare when the God Squad journeyed to his realm.