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Marvel & DC Wiki

I'm not Power Man anymore. I'm Goliath. And where Goliath walks -- he walks alone! 

-- Goliath


Erik Josten was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin the son of Jonathan and Martha Josten. He was one brother from a large mid-western farming family which included Carl and Conrad. Erik's sister Lindy died in an accident and Erik blamed himself, thinking he could have prevented her death. Wracked with guilt, Josten ran away to join the US Army.[2] When he was later discovered smuggling, Josten ran away from the army to become a soldier-for-hire.

Powers and Stats

Tiering System: Unknown normally, 4-B in full size

Name: Atlas, Erik Stephan Josten

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human Mutate

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Invulnerability, Size Manipulation, Immortality (Type 1), Regenerative Healing Factor, Self-Sustenance, Energy Manipulation, Flight, Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Trained Marksmen, Trained Piloted

Attack Potency: Unknown normally, Solar System level+ in full size via scaling

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Class 30 normally, Potentially Class Y in Full Size

Striking Strength: Unknown normally, Solar System Class+ in full size

Durability: Unknown normally, Solar System level+ in full size

Stamina: Almost Limitless. Erik's body is charged with ionic energy, grants him considerably almost limitless physical stamina in all activities. 

Range: Unknown

Standard Equipment: Atlas Suit. Atlas costume is composed of unstable molecules and changes size along with him

Intelligence: Gifted

Weaknesses: Adamantium, Ionic Lock
