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You know what that felt like? Carl Creel from Bronx, standing over the God of Thunder? I couldn't explain it if I tried. 

-- Absorbing Man src


Carl Creel was raised in the Bronx, but his mother encouraged him, telling Carl to always set expectations for himself. Following the death of his mother when he was still young, Carl's father became abusive,[5] but still taught him some things about being an automotive mechanic,[6] and even bought him a pair of boxing gloves. Carl finally found the strength to fight back when he was sixteen, for which his father kicked him out of their home. From then on, Carl lived on the streets and the gym. On the streets he turned to a life of crime, namely breaking into houses and cars, while in the gym he discovered his talent for boxing.

The ring gave Carl an opportunity to let out his anger for the death of his mother and his relationship with his father. His aggressiveness earned him the nickname of "Crusher Creel." Creel's attitude caught the attention of the local criminal element, leading him to become an enforcer for the Owl's men. Carl felt remorseful for the innocent people he hurt doing shakedowns, but felt stopping was beyond his control.

Powers and Stats

Tiering System: Variable, Depends on what material he has absorbed

Name: Carl "Crusher" Creel, Absorbing Man, Greithoth

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human enhanced with Asgardian magic

Powers and Abilities:  Ability to take on the properties of any type of matter or energy he touches, including solid, liquid, and gaseous states, light, electricity, even abstract things like magic. His clothes and ball and chain also take on these properties, even if they are separated from him. Size changing, regeneration (high), capable of combining the properties of previously - absorbed materials at once (although CIS usually prevents him from doing this)

Attack Potency: Variable,  Depends on what material he has absorbed

Speed: Variable, Depends on what material he has absorbed, base form is superhuman

Lifting Strength: Variable,  Depends on what material he has absorbed, base form is superhuman

Striking Strength: Variable,  Depends on what material he has absorbed, base form is superhuman

Durability: Variable, Depends on what material he has absorbed, regeneration makes him nearly impossible to kill

Stamina: Very High when in adamantium

Range: Variable, Depends on what material he has absorbed

Standard Equipment: His ball and chain, which have the same properties as his body

Intelligence: Average, He's an idiot

Weaknesses: A complete idiot, easily fooled

Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.